个项目 projects for

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名合伙人 principals for

陈斌鑫 CHEN

总建筑师/资深合伙人 Senior Principal

陈斌鑫 CHEN

总建筑师/资深合伙人 Senior Principal




CTBUH Designated Expert

Mr. Chen Binxin is a creative young architect, with creations spanning a wide range of fields such as cultural education, headquarters, urban landscapes, urban renewal, small town projects, high-end residential buildings, and luxury hotel clubs. With extraordinary originality and powerful appeal, his works are well received.

He is good at dealing with comprehensive issues under complex conditions, and is ready to meet challenges. He demonstrates a passion for projects in different cultural contexts. Among his recent masterpieces, a series of public cultural landscape projects including Jiande Cultural Center, Qiandao Lake Tourism College, Qiandao Lake Zhongzhouxi Landscape Belt, and Tonglu Scenery Belt show his in-depth thinking on sustainable design. Besides, his representative small town designs such as Yangxian Landscape have become outstanding benchmarks.