个项目 projects for

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名合伙人 principals for

孙航 SUN

总建筑师/资深合伙人 Senior Principal

孙航 SUN

总建筑师/资深合伙人 Senior Principal


孙航先生是拥有丰富经验的资深住宅专家,对不同地域 、不同类型的住宅项目均有广泛而成功的实践。



Mr. Sun Hang is a seasoned and experienced residential architect with extensive and successful practice in residential projects in different regions and of different types.

Since he joined GOA in 2009, Mr. Sun Hang has gained the trust of many clients with his considerable expertise and precise control. His architecture practices are seen in different parts of China. In the field of urban residential design, Mr. Sun Hang has a full range of professional expertise and experience in product planning, overall planning, layout innovation, and project construction, management and control, and has an in-depth knowledge of market dynamics and trends. His representative works, including The Willow Shores Hangzhou , demonstrate his accurate control of product positioning and exceptional ability to propose relevant solutions for product value improvement, and are highly recognized and acclaimed in the market.