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第三届“引力场”正式启幕,为冬日的广场带来一道闪亮的风景 Gravitational Field 3.0 - City Delta

2018引力场 X FLASH闪电展 Gravitational Field 2018 × X FLASH is Coming with Irresistible Artistic Appeal

第三届“引力场”正式启幕,为冬日的广场带来一道闪亮的风景 Gravitational Field 3.0 - City Delta


X FLASH is an exhibition launched in combination with Gravitational Field 2018, a large-sized public art project. It is scheduled to be open to the public free of charge from December 8 to 27, 2018 at the front square in the west of the Power Station of Art (PSA).


引力场装置 Gravitational Field - City Delta

“展场”、“趣场”、“剧场” Exhibition, Leisure, Theatre


分享时间、独享空间。 Sharing Time, Exclusive Space.

开幕式研讨会 Opening Seminar

失落空间的艺术再造:共同讨论城市空间与公共艺术的话题 The Artistic Reconstruction of Lost Space


引力场2018工作营评图会落幕 The Workshop of Gravitational Field 3.0 comes to an end

引力场3.0 - 城市微空间复兴计划:中国美院评图会 Gravitational Field 3.0 – Urban Micro Space Revival Plan - A Middle Review at CAA

引力场2018工作营评图会落幕 The Workshop of Gravitational Field 3.0 comes to an end


On the afternoon of September 6, 2018, a proposal evaluation meeting of “Gravitational Field 2018 – Work Camp of the Urban Micro Space Revival Plan”, organized by GOA, Let’s Talk and XiBu, was held at No.12 Building of China Academy of Art. At the meeting, six contestants from Tongji University, Southeast University and China Academy of Art presented their proposals for the competition, and had an exciting discussion with 15 judges present.


剧场 Theatre

结构 · 聚散:赋予更加丰富的使用意义 Structure · Gathering and Dispersing: Endow more abundant use meaning

趣场 Leisure

一个具有丰富界面的城市休憩亭 An urban recreation pavilion with a rich interface

展场 Exhibition

寻找最佳视点,让当代艺术馆本身成为一个展览品 Find the best point of view to make PSA itself an exhibition


“城市中的引力场”建筑专业论坛在东南大学中大院举行 Initiation Meeting of Gravitational Field 3.0 at Southeast University

引力场3.0 - 城市微空间复兴计划:东南大学启动会 Gravitational Field 3.0 – Urban Micro Space Revival Plan - Initiation Meeting at Southeast University

“城市中的引力场”建筑专业论坛在东南大学中大院举行 Initiation Meeting of Gravitational Field 3.0 at Southeast University

2018年6月15日下午,由goa大象设计与Let's talk学术论坛共同举办的“城市中的引力场”建筑专业论坛在东南大学中大院举行。作为2018年城市微空间复兴计划工作营的启动会,吸引了广大师生、建筑实践者和学者们齐集一堂。

On the afternoon of June 15, 2018, the Architecture Forum themed with “Gravitational Field in the City” and organized by GOA and Let’s Talk was held at Southeast University. As the initiation meeting for the 2018 Work Camp of the Urban Micro Space Revival Plan, it attracted the attendance of a large number of students, teachers, architects and scholars.


展览现场 Exhibition Site

东南大学启动会-引力场系列展览 Initiation Meeting at Southeast University-Series Exhibition of Gravitational Field

讲座现场 Live Lecture

广大师生、建筑实践者和学者们齐集一堂 Teachers, students and architectural practitioners gathered together

嘉宾对谈 Conversation between guests

共同探讨:城市微空间复兴计划 Joint Discussion - Urban Micro Space Revival Plan


这里既是实验场,也是剧场,展场,市场,游乐场。 Gravitational Field 2.0 - Multiple Coupling of Architectural Art and Public Culture

引力场2.0 - 城市泡泡 Gravitational Field 2.0 - City Bubble

这里既是实验场,也是剧场,展场,市场,游乐场。 Gravitational Field 2.0 - Multiple Coupling of Architectural Art and Public Culture


What kind of space experience will you find when entering into a huge transparent bubble, which was placed in the bustling downtown of Shanghai? From Sept.23 to Oct.15, a series of public activities entitled "Gravitational Field II - Multiple Coupling of Architectural Art and Public Culture" was held on CITIC Square, West Nanjing Road. Therefore, an experimental architectural device "City Bubble" was born.


创意图纸 Drawings

空间封闭而视觉开放 The space is closed and the vision is open

研发生产 Research and development production

热塑性聚氨酯弹性体 Thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers

实景拍摄 Site Photos

一个城市公共生活的透明容器 A transparent container of public life in the city


引力场—建筑艺术与公共文化的多场耦合 Gravitational Field 1.0 - Interconnections between architecture and public culture

引力场1.0 - 韧山水 Gravitational Field 1.0 - Flexible Landscape

引力场—建筑艺术与公共文化的多场耦合 Gravitational Field 1.0 - Interconnections between architecture and public culture

2015年8月21日 - 9月10日期间,在上海最繁华的静安寺广场,举行了一系列主题为“引力场—建筑艺术与公共文化的多场耦合”的城市公共文化活动。 而一件兼具艺术性和实用性的建筑装置作品——《韧山水》 也由此而生。

During the period of 2015.08.21 and 2015.09.10, there were a series of public cultural activities named “Gravitational Field——interconnections between architecture and public culture” helding in the Jing'an Temple Square, which is the most prosperous site in Shanghai. And one architectural installation -- 《Flexible Landscape》was born, which is both artistic and practical.


创意图纸 Drawings

空间流线形的竹钢杆件 Bamboo steel rod with space streamline

搭建现场 Constructions

高性能竹基纤维复合材料 High performance bamboo fiber composites

实景拍摄 Live Photos

一个城市中的山水盆景 Landscape bonsai in the city