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SHOW TOWN Global Fashion Aesthetic Creative Zone

北京市平谷区 Pinggu, Beijing






Located in the economic development zone of Pinggu District, Beijing, the project aims to create a fashion aesthetic creative town influencing the surrounding areas. Based on its site characteristics, the project creates a new park featuring small-scale office, show space and multilayer pedestrian space. 

According to the terrain characteristics, the overall planning has constructed a "T" shaped structure. The buildings are scattered around the main axis, forming an orderly layout. The park has clear space classification, with a certain degree of independence, connection and penetration, forming an orderly cluster. The park has clear space classification, with a certain degree of independence, connection and penetration, presenting free but orderly characteristics. The L-shaped secondary landscape, the courtyard landscape in the doughnut-shaped group, and the fourth-level landscape between buildings form a multilayer landscape system, creating a rich site experience.

Individual buildings highlight the theme of modern aesthetics. The rhythmic organization and surface design create a graceful, gentle and light architectural image. The small office buildings are equipped with individual office courtyards. According to product features, the exhibition area is reserved in the public area and buildings have a large terrace space.   

业主 Client

北京融创有限公司 Beijing Sunac Co., Ltd.

所在地址 Location

北京市平谷区 Pinggu, Beijing

建筑规模 GFA

125,880㎡ 125,880㎡

项目类型 Type

特色小镇,办公 Office,Characteristic Town

设计范围 Design scope

建筑 Architecture

设计周期 Design period

2017 -