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Rose Garden, Xinchang

浙江绍兴 Shaoxing, Zhejiang



酒店的规划充分考虑山地特征,建筑主体沿山体自然坡向展开,形成U 型平面,围合出酒店中心景观区,设计了不同标高的泳池和室外活动空间。酒店内部公共空间向中心景观开敞,室内外交融,营造宜人的度假氛围。建筑风格采用新古典主义手法,细节和材料上考虑度假酒店的特质,庄重华贵的同时亦不失亲切感。独立住宅采用意式、西班牙式和法式风格,展现了浓郁的田园风情和生活气息。平层公寓为古典法式风格,营造出庄重典雅的官邸建筑意象。


Rose Garden Xinchang is located in the northwest of Xinchang County, Shaoxing, Zhejiang. The site is the plateau on the top of Ta Mountain. Viewing down from the site, you may find the city from three directions: east, west and south, and the mountains at the distance. The middle part of the site is a natural ecological green land, consisted of big pieces of woods, tea plantation and natural pond, boasting abundant landscape resources.

The project is a high-end community combining hotel and low-density residential buildings.

Mountain features are fully taken into consideration in the hotel planning. The main building is spread along the natural slope of the mountain forming a U-shaped plan, enclosing a central landscape area of the hotel which includes swimming pools and outdoor activity spaces on different levels. The interior public area of the hotel opens to the central landscape area to allow the flow between the indoor space and the outdoor space, so as to create pleasant resort atmosphere. The buildings are designed in neoclassic style with details and materials fitting with the characters of the resort hotel that is luxury, solemn with some intimacy. The single family houses are in Italian, Spanish or French styles, presenting strong pastoral style and a smack of everyday life. The single-leveled apartment is in classical French style, with an impression of a solemn and elegant mansion.

The site has beautiful characteristic natural environment of which we make good use through proper landscape design in order to make the architecture and the landscape as integrated scenery.

业主 Client

新昌绿城置业有限公司 Xinchang Greentown Properties Co., Ltd.

所在地址 Location

浙江绍兴 Shaoxing, Zhejiang

建筑规模 GFA

125,000 m² 125,000 m²

项目类型 Type

居住 Residential

设计范围 Design scope

建筑 Architecture

设计周期 Design period

2007 - 2010