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名合伙人 principals for

Rose Garden, Xiangxi

浙江金华 Jinhua, Zhejiang

金华香溪玫瑰园位于金华仙源湖旅游度假区东北部金华江南古镇——安地镇境内,距市区10 千米,交通便利,群山环绕,森林茂密,碧波荡漾,是可与大自然交流的绝佳居住环境。周边山林和穿越基地的香溪是项目重要的自然景观资源。




The site is located in Jinhua Jiangnan ancient town  Andi Town, which is on the northeast of Jinhua Xianyuan Lake Tourist Resort, 10 kilometers away from the city. The resort is surrounded by mountains, dense forests and rippling blue waves with convenient transportation. It is a great living environment with dialogues between man and nature. The surrounding mountains and the Xiang Stream across the site are the important natural landscape resources.

From the purchase of the land, our major planning principle has been to build a harmonious and pleasant living environment and to set up life experience for a few decades in the future. Fortunately, the client of the project is an idealist who has spent a lot of time to study planning, landscape, architecture and intellectualized technology to assure the quality of the project.

The choice of the architectural style is based on the architectural aesthetic and profound social culture. Steady and elegant elevation, classical composition, classical constitution elements and suitable scale are close to the modern mainstream aesthetic. All the villas either face mountains or water or landscape area in the Garden. You could see the views and green landscape in every unit through a window. There is no barrier between nature and human.

The construction of the villas was a highly elaborate process. The architects often visited the site to coordinate the contractor and the client in order to avoid mistakes and to make some corrections to the original design. All the effort made the construction process relatively smooth, and the outcome is satisfying.

业主 Client

浙江开源置业有限公司 Zhejiang Kaiyuan Property Limited.

所在地址 Location

浙江金华 Jinhua, Zhejiang

建筑规模 GFA

90,000 m² 90,000 m²

项目类型 Type

居住 Residential

设计范围 Design scope

建筑 Architecture

设计周期 Design period

2006 - 2012