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New Green Garden

浙江杭州 hangzhou, Zhejiang

新绿园位于杭州市钱江新城区域内,基地距钱塘江北岸近300 米。

规划以一条南北向景观轴线将用地分为大小不等的东西两区。东区由4 幢板式高层围合成主要景观庭院,西区的两幢点式高层及沿街物业用房则形成次要景观庭院,景观轴线上的入口广场连接东西两区,形成虚实相生、层次丰富的“三进式”院落群。与中国古典院落空间层层递进式的关系不同,园区由中间院落侧边进入,人行流线和院落群总体结构相交叠,为人们提供了全新的空间体验。为提升内部环境品质,地下车库坡道置于主入口两侧。园区内部完全的人行步道系统贯穿。建筑采用新古典主义风格,外观隽秀挺拔,端庄典雅。

景观设计由澳大利亚PLACE 公司担纲,遵循古典欧式园林严谨对称、精雕细琢的设计理念,精心营造。轴线鲜明有序,空间层次丰富,与建筑之美相得益彰。

Located in Qianjiang New City of Hangzhou, the New Green Garden is 300 meters away from the north bank of the Qian Tang River.

The site is divided into the east and west zones by a north-south landscape axis. In the east zone, four slab-type high-rise buildings surround a main landscaped garden. In the west zone, a minor landscaped courtyard is formed by two high-rise towers and management buildings along the street. The two zones are connected by the entrance plaza on the landscape axis. Eventually a building group with a three-layered courtyard is created to provide multiple layers of space showing mutuality between solidness and emptiness. Different from the progressively layered layout in traditional Chinese courtyard, the entrance of the site is located at one side of the middle courtyard. The pedestrian circulation partially overlaps the courtyards, providing a

brand new perspective of spatial experience. In order to provide a better environment inside the community, the entrances of the underground parking are set on both sides of the main entrance to guarantee a complete pedestrian circulation system beyond the entrance. The buildings look dignified and elegant with a neoclassical style.

Designed by an Australian firm PLACE, the landscape is a precise execution of the strictly symmetric and sophisticated design concept based on the classical European garden style. With the properly ordered landscape axis and the rich space layers, it is a perfect match to the architecture.

业主 Client

杭州钱新绿城房地产开发有限公司 Hangzhou Qianxin Greentown Real Estate Development Limited.

所在地址 Location

浙江杭州 hangzhou, Zhejiang

建筑规模 GFA

117,300 m² 117,300 m²

项目类型 Type

居住 Residential

设计范围 Design scope

建筑 Architecture

设计周期 Design period

2006 - 2010