个项目 projects for

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名合伙人 principals for

Lily Apartments

浙江杭州 Hangzhou, Zhejiang

丁香公寓这样一类城市型酒店式公寓,正逐渐成为现代城市中不可或缺的住宅类型。相对于 传统的成套住宅或近郊的别墅物业,这类小户型住宅的功能虽然简单,但品质要求更高。其 针对的业主是那些在市区或郊区已有一套配套齐全的住宅,因业务或生活原因,需要另一处 既有酒店式便利而产权又属于自己的物业;或是一些尚未形成复杂家庭结构,其家居生活中 的大部分内容都依赖社会化商业服务的人群。对他们来说,居住是最私密的那部分生活起居 内容。以上原因决定了这类住宅的一个基本特征,就是私密和低调——其公共区域的设置, 重要的不在其使用功能的完备与否,而更注重在个人化的私密空间与外界公共领域之间建立 起足够的缓冲区域。 

像丁香公寓这样位于市中心成熟地段但用地条件相对局促的项目,若依照普通住宅的思路去 开发,会因难以形成有足够品质的居住社区而缺乏竞争力。而将其定位为酒店式公寓,既充 分发挥了基地拥有市中心丰富市场化服务资源的优势,又避开了场地规模方面的局限性。要 充分发掘出项目的价值,就必须在设计上使之具有某些不可复制性的特色,围绕这一原则, 来决定公共区域的规模与形态以及建筑及室内之风格和材料的选择。

Hotel-style serviced apartments such as Lily Apartments have become an indispensable new residence type in modern cities. Compared with traditional apartments or suburban villas, although this type of small dwellings may appear simple, it actually puts more requirements on quality. The target buyers are those who already own a well facilitated residence in downtown or suburb, but are in need of a second property due to business or personal reasons. They want a second home where they can enjoy hotel style services and actually own the property. The other type of target buyers are those who have not formed complicated family structures, and daily life relies on commercial service. For them, dwelling is only the private part of all the content of their life. This determines the basic characteristic of such residences, that is private and low-key - for the installation of a public area, what is important is not how well it is equipped with all sorts of facilities, but to establish a buffer zone between personal private space and public space.

For a land that is located in a mature downtown area like where Lily Apartments are, if we follow popular trends to design it, we might easily lose our competitiveness due to the difficulty of creating a top notch community. However, if we position it as hotel-style serviced apartments, it can not only take the advantage of downtown's rich service resource market, but also avoid the limitation of a small scale land. To fully reflect the property's value, it should have some unique characteristics that cannot be copied. With this thought in mind, we then decide on the scale and form of public area as well as interior and exterior style and materials.

业主 Client

浙江绿园房地产开发有限公司 Zhejiang Green Garden Real Estate Development Co., LTD

所在地址 Location

浙江杭州 Hangzhou, Zhejiang

建筑规模 GFA

32,000 m² 32,000 m²

项目类型 Type

居住 Residential

设计范围 Design scope

建筑 Architecture

设计周期 Design period

2002 - 2005