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Hangzhou Osmanthus Town

浙江杭州 Hangzhou, Zhejiang

“桂花城”系列住宅项目,缘起于公司的早期代表作杭州桂花城。后续项目在杭州桂花城 的基础上有或多或少的调整与变化,但仍秉承了其规划理念及设计精髓。


景园系统:区内通常会有一处较大规模的集中公共活动场地,该场地与机动车交通以及住宅楼宇有明确的分隔,除了安定和安全方面的考虑之外,在这里发生的活动既不会干扰到 住户,也没有被住户“注视”的不安。将组团停车放在地下,用造园的手法组织组团内的环境空间及人行交通系统。


The Osmanthus City Series residential buildings came from one of the company's early signature works, Hangzhou Osmanthus City. The series has adjusted and changed more or less based on the original project while maintaining its design concept and core philosophy.

Plan Structure: The Osmanthus City Series consists mostly of low-rise residential buildings. Depending on land usage and market demand, there are also small number of houses and medium-rise buildings. Due to a relatively low population density, roads at the community level are shared by both pedestrians and vehicles while inside each cluster walkways and driveways are separate. The problem of “ownerless” space often exists in regular communities. To solve that, two or more individual buildings within a same cluster, together with a relatively confined courtyard, are formed into a highly integrated unit. Road systems and amenities are designed around the routes of residents1 daily activities. The rest of the space takes advantage of high green coverage as background or enclosure. Semi-underground parking garages are designed to utilize the space between buildings. This keeps most residences away from motor vehicle noises.

 Amenities: Usually each community has a large-scale public recreation area. It is separated from buildings and driveways. Besides safety concerns, activities in the area will not disturb residents living nearby, nor will people inside the recreation area feel uneasy being “stared at” by them. Inside each block, parking garages are built underground. Landscaping is designed to optimize space and traffic.

Unit Design: Unit design emphasizes the integrity of each individual building. While each building is different, much attention is paid to make sure buildings within the same group share similarities. These similarities are achieved via veneer materials selection, color scheme and detail design. By choosing bricks and paint that are commonly used for the exteriors of residence buildings, it forms a simple yet elegant style. It reflects the spirit of European style architecture without simply choosing European style materials.

业主 Client

杭州桂花城房地产开发经营有限公司 Hangzhou Osmanthus Town Real Estate Development and Management Co., LTD

所在地址 Location

浙江杭州 Hangzhou, Zhejiang

建筑规模 GFA

190,000 m² 190,000 m²

项目类型 Type

居住 Residential

设计范围 Design scope

建筑 Architecture

设计周期 Design period

1998 - 2004