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名合伙人 principals for

Greentown Oriental Villa

浙江省杭州市 Hangzhou, Zhejiang






The project is a duplex house that attempts to combine tradition with modern style in design. Modern lightness and traditional heaviness are unified and fully expressed in this project.

The overall planning of the project emphasizes the central axis, with the neighborhood center, infinity pool and central green space on the central axis, introducing the canal landscape into the house garden to integrate with the surrounding landscape. This project emphasizes centripetal force and ceremonial sense to create a noble shared space of the house garden. The layout along the river is relatively free, and the scattered layout makes full use of the landscape resources, so that the rear houses also have the broad view and canal landscape.

The monomer building adopts a simple form relationship to ensure that it is consistent with the internal spatial functions. The facade is dominated by long balconies with horizontal lines, which highlights the pure and elegant characteristics of the whole architectural complex, and uses panels, cornices and metal components to form a space limit, so that the two floors of each house are placed in the same relatively private space with the noble sense of “villa”. It refines traditional Chinese elements and big eaves, and studies the proportion of the facade and details to make the building much lighter, thinner, and more modern, so as to achieve high-standard quality and achieve a harmonious coexistence of modernity and tradition. The external wall material of the building is light-colored stone and dark aluminum profile assisted by delicate wood-like materials, highlighting the lightness and quality sense of the facade.

Sales office (matched public building) organically combines large roof, metal and glass by reference to the proportional relationship of traditional Chinese building to create a fierce collision of light and dark, virtuality and reality, tradition and modernity, with highly visual impact.

The external wall material of the building is stone and aluminum profile assisted by wood-like materials to ensure the steady and quality sense of the facade.

业主 Client

绿城中国 Greentown

所在地址 Location

浙江省杭州市 Hangzhou, Zhejiang

建筑规模 GFA

144,000㎡ 144,000㎡

项目类型 Type

居住 Residence

设计范围 Design scope

建筑 Architectual

设计周期 Design period

2018 - 2021