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Xinchang Radisson Hotel

浙江绍兴 Shaoxing, Zhejiang

雷迪森酒店位于新昌县城西北,基地为塔山山顶台地,居高临下,可从东、南、西三个方向 俯瞰城市,远眺群山。用地中部为自然生态绿地,由大片的林地、茶同及天然水塘构成,景 观资源丰富。规划充分考虑地块的山地特征,建筑主体沿山体自然坡向展开,形成的u形平 面围合出酒店中心景观区,其中包括不同标高的游泳池和酒店室外公共活动空间;酒店内部 空间公共部分也尽可能地向中心景观打开,室内外活动可充分交融,从而营造更宜人的休闲 度假氛围。其功能分区由四部分组成,即酒店主体、别墅式酒店客房、娱乐中心和员工宿舍。建筑风格借鉴部分新古典主义手法,细节和用材上考虑度假酒店的特质做适当软化,在庄重华贵的同时亦不失亲切感。

Radisson Hotel is located north west of Xinchang. Being on top of Ta Hill, it overlooks the city from east, south and west with hills in a distant view. In the middle of the project land are original woods, a tea plantation and a natural pond, which provides rich landscaping resources. Since it is on a hilly land, our plan puts the main building along the slope, forming a U shape with the hotel’s central landscaping area in the inner curve of the U. The central landscaping area hosts swimming pools and outdoor public recreational spaces with different elevations. At the same time, the public area inside the hotel is opened up to the central landscaping area. This enables indoor and outdoor activities to fully interact with each other, thus creating a more relaxing and comfortable atmosphere. The hotel's functional area consists of four parts: the hotel main body, villa style guest rooms, a recreational center and employee dorms. The architectural style partly adopts neo-classical style, with a softened approach on detail handling and material selection. It brings out both nobleness and elegance without being distant.

业主 Client

新昌绿城置业有限公司 Xinchang Greentown Real Estate Co., LTD

所在地址 Location

浙江绍兴 Shaoxing, Zhejiang

建筑规模 GFA

44,000 m² 44,000 m²

项目类型 Type

酒店 Hotel

设计范围 Design scope

建筑 Architecture

设计周期 Design period

2007 - 2011