个项目 projects for

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名合伙人 principals for

The Azure Qiantang, A Luxury Collection Hotel

浙江杭州 Hangzhou, Zhejiang

蓝色钱江位于杭州新市中心——钱江新城核心区西侧,南眺钱塘江,拥260 余米的沿江水岸线,坐拥都市繁华和江景浩荡。设计将玻璃、石材与金属等元素进行巧妙组合,在追求简洁大气的建筑形态的同时,塑造出层次丰富的立面细节,使整个项目焕发出与钱江新城区域现代化氛围相协调的时代气息。

Tactically combined with glass, stone, metal and other elements, the design gives the building rich layers in light of details of façade when pursuing its simpleness and impressiveness, thus making the hotel glows with the spirit of the times in harmony with the Tactically combined with glass, stone, metal and other elements, the design gives the building rich layers in light of details of facade when pursuing its simpleness and impressiveness, thus making the hotel glows with the spirit of the times in harmony with the modern atmosphere of Qianjiang New District.

业主 Client

杭州绿城海企房地产开发有限公司 Hangzhou Greentown Haiqi Real Estate Development Ltd.

所在地址 Location

浙江杭州 Hangzhou, Zhejiang

建筑规模 GFA

43,000 m² 43,000 m²

项目类型 Type

酒店 Hospitality

设计范围 Design scope

建筑 Architecture

设计周期 Design period

2007 - 2013