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Shanghai West Bund Financial Hub - Plot G

上海市徐汇区 Xuhui, Shanghai


设计发端于对老车站的再生策略。东西向贯穿场地的站房和站台建筑均为砖木混合结构,三跨人字坡顶所覆盖的180m超尺度线性长廊是其显著的空间特色。方案以去粗存精的态度 将其改造为区域中的文化标志物:西段长廊被原位保留,中段与东段则在整体移位后成为对外展示面,延续三跨人字坡顶的特征。以此形成的两段中轴线成为两条历史的轴线,串联起各空间节点。集合零售商业、餐饮、艺术展示等功能的新建建筑与改造后的车站共同围合出宜人的花园,迎接城市四面八方的访客来此漫游、休闲。



The West Bund Financial Hub is located in Xuhui District, once a key Shanghai transportation, logistics, and manufacturing hub. As the first construction zone, the G plot combines residential, cultural, and artistic attributes into a living entity that propels the development of future lifestyles. The Shanghai South Railway Station Eight-line Warehouse and Platform, which once served as a pivot for water-to-land transshipment, is a historic preservation on the site. Its history dates back to the early 20th century.

The design revolves around the revitalization of the historic station. Under a wooden-brick structural system and a three-span-gable roof, the entire station structure extends 180m east-west across the site and functions as a defining spatial feature. The design transforms the existing station into a cultural landmark. The station’s west wing remains in place, while the middle and east wings are pushed out to form a street interface that preserves the linear spatial form. Two historical axes connecting various spatial nodes are established by redesigning the station. New structures, including shops, restaurants, and exhibition spaces, integrate with the renovated station, enclosing an attractive garden.

A fusion of traditional and modern elements gives the architecture a captivating charm. The roofs morph from gable to free-form canopies, defining the art garden's entrance, the art bookstore's front elevation, and the apartment lobby. This large-span three-dimensional structure creates a harmonious symphony. The original masonry from the relocated wings intertwines with glass bricks to form the new facade, resulting in an interplay of materials that weaves a delicate tapestry of time.

Overlooking the garden from a gentle stance, the residences and rental apartments with sleek balcony edges establish a dialogue between historical echoes and modern aesthetics.

业主 Client

香港置地 HongKong Land

所在地址 Location

上海市徐汇区 Xuhui, Shanghai

建筑规模 GFA

97,500㎡ 97,500㎡

项目类型 Type

混合使用开发 For Mixed-use

设计范围 Design scope

建筑 Architectural

设计周期 Design period

2020 -