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Lily New Town Community Business Center

浙江嘉兴 Jiaxing, Zhejiang


为百合新城住宅区的附属商业服务设施。基地被城市主干道分为东西两区:东区规划以狭长 的步行商业街贯穿基地南北,并于南端放大为半围合的商业广场,形成张弛有度的空间布 局,以期在满足居住者对商业服务功能的基本需求之外,还能为他们营造一种充满活力的日 常生活场景;西区设置会所及幼儿园,分列于区级道路两侧与东区的商业广场相呼应。建筑 群采用地中海式风格,白色的主基调中配以红色的陶瓦屋面及灰色的石材饰面,在和谐中寻 求变化,烘托出整个街区轻松愉悦的商业氛围。

Lily New Town Community Business Center is located at the central block of Haining Lily New Town. It is affiliated with Lily New Town residential community, and includes facilities such as daycare, clubhouse and catering, etc. The city's main road divides the land into two parts: the east part and the west part. A long and narrow pedestrian mall runs through the east part, and expands into a semi-enclosed plaza at the south end. Such a layout creates a space that is both tense and relaxed. Besides satisfying residents, demand for commercial services, it also provides them with a daily life scene that is full of energy. The clubhouse and the day care are located on both sides of the community road in the west part, echoing with the business plaza in the east part. Architectural groups adopt Mediterranean style with white as main color scheme. Dotted with red color ceramic tile roof and gray color decorative masonry, it creates a relaxing and pleasant shopping atmosphere.

业主 Client

海宁绿城新湖房地产开发有限公司 Haining Greentown New Lake Real Estate Development Co., LTD

所在地址 Location

浙江嘉兴 Jiaxing, Zhejiang

建筑规模 GFA

30,000 m² 30,000 m²

项目类型 Type

商业 Commercial

设计范围 Design scope

建筑 Architecture

设计周期 Design period

2005 - 2009