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Jian Lake Golf Club

浙江绍兴 Shaoxing, Zhejiang

像高尔夫会所这样一类有强烈异域文化背景的项目,其设计往往流于某种标签式的风格和样式。但随着这项运动在中国的普及,应该有一种更贴切的手法来诠释人们对这项运动的中国式理解。鉴湖高尔夫会所项目恰恰给予了我们这样一个难得的机会,来阐释我们对会所类建筑的理解及构想。会所类建筑是一类非常“个人化”的建筑,而这种“个人化”又必须有其充分的包容性——建筑应当表达出业主对于高尔夫运动的独特理解,对于中国建筑文化传统 的独特理解,甚而是对于绍兴地区的人文传统的独特理解;同时,这种理解还必须以一种平和的、不动声色的方式表达出来。根据这一理念,设计应运而生:厚重的四坡屋顶、错落的空间布局、亦静亦动的水景庭院隐喻出内外交融的深远意境,一种映衬绍兴地域文化传统的近于“禅”的意蕴也于其间得以呈现。

As projects like golf clubs usually carry strong foreign culture as background, designs always fall into certain kind of label. With golf sports becoming more and more popular in China, there should be a better approach to interpret the way this sport is understood here in China. Jian Lake Golf Club project gives us such a chance to interpret the way we understand the ideal and concept of club type architectures. Club type architecture is very personalized. Such personalization must also contain toleration at the same time—it should express how the owner understands golf sports, the cultural tradition of Chinese architecture, even the traditional scholastic culture in the Shaoxing region. At the same time, such understanding must be expressed in a composed way. With such principle in mind, our plan uses a thick hipped roof, uneven space layout and both still and moving waterscapes. All these imply a kind of interconnected artistic conception, a Zen-like one that reflects the Shaoxing local cultural tradition.

业主 Client

绍兴鉴湖高尔夫有限公司 Shaoxing Jian Lake Golf Co., LTD

所在地址 Location

浙江绍兴 Shaoxing, Zhejiang

建筑规模 GFA

5,450 m² 5,450 m²

项目类型 Type

酒店 Hotel

设计范围 Design scope

建筑 Architecture

设计周期 Design period

2003 - 2005