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Hotel Indigo Xiang Lake

浙江杭州 Hangzhou, Zhejiang





Located in Xiang Lake Tourist Resort of Hangzhou, Hotel Indigo Xiang Lake is built on a strip of land that extends into the hinterland of the General Hill from the eastern lake bank. Though surrounded by mountains in the south, west and north, it still has a height difference of nearly 30m in the east and west, and a relatively narrow lake surface.

Following the principle of adjusting measures to local conditions without damaging original terrain features, the design uses the col in the mountains to create a canyon landscape that runs through the entire site. The layered stacks of water, palisades and vegetation constitute a continuum of canyon landscape that is interspersed with the hotel’s restaurant, party, swimming pool, fitness and other public spaces.

The hotel lobby is located at the elevation of 21m in the middle section of the canyon, and impresses people with its unique view; the atrium with a total height of nearly 30m divides hotel guestrooms into lower ones and upper ones, the former of which looks out to the southern General Hill and the latter of which commands a panoramic view of remote Xiang Lake and opposite-bank mountains. The two types of guestrooms are interconnected with each other via a composite transportation system to create an integral whole.

The open surfaces of the architecture use metal and glass to reflect peripheral environment, and the main body is integrated into the mountain, with an attempt to weaken the sense of massing and blur the boundary between main body and landscape. The internal space of the architecture offers a series of continuous sensory experiences: From lobby atrium to the atrium of lower guestrooms, the continuous slope runs through various layers, and is combined with the vertical landscape elevator of upper guestrooms to jointly create an impressive, accessible and habitable spatial impression of the internal space; new connections are built among space, landscape, light ray, cultural symbols and so forth for the harmonious coexistence of architecture and nature.

业主 Client

湘湖逍遥庄园有限公司 Xiang Lake Xiaoyao Manor Co., Ltd.

所在地址 Location

浙江杭州 Hangzhou, Zhejiang

建筑规模 GFA

34,300 m² 34,300 m²

项目类型 Type

酒店 Hotel

设计范围 Design scope

建筑 Architecture

设计周期 Design period

2015 - 2019