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GOA Is Honored with the Gold Award of 2016 – 2017 Real Estate Design China Awards


2017 年 4 月 27 日,“2016 - 2017 第三届地产设计大奖.中国”项目演说和颁奖晚宴在上海隆重举行。GOA大象设计满载而归,5个参赛项目悉数获奖!其中杭州西子湖四季酒店、北京壹号院荣获金奖;森林硅谷•云安小镇、徐州紫薇公馆、朱家角1号荣获优秀奖!

地产设计大奖 · 中国

地产设计大奖•中国|REAL ESTATE DESIGN CHINA AWARD由中国地产建筑师网|DJSER.com开创及举办。奖项因其严肃专业的评委阵容、独特的评选流程和模式,获得地产设计界高度赞誉与认可。邢同和作为评委主席,本届大奖携手学术界评委孟建民、王建国,以及来自同样具有建筑学背景的品牌开发商代表:陈建邦、陈海亮、陈栋梁、常宇、范逸汀、冯腾飞、高峰、郭咏海、胡浩、胡树志、黄宇奘、贾朝晖、居培成、钱毅、佘啸吟、寿东、苏锟、杨凡、阴杰、于鹏、张兆强、朱晓涓组成超豪华专业评审组委会。第3届地产设计大奖.中国共吸引137家机构参赛报名,389份作品申报,经过评委团初审共计155份作品入围,并进行项目演说。最终评选出10份年度地产项目金奖(居住类+文旅综合类+商办、技术类)和10份年度单项专业金奖(景观类+室内类)

GOA大象设计上海办公室执行总经理刘纲先生 现场演说

On April 27, 2017, the project presentations and awards ceremony of the 3rd 2016 - 2017 Real Estate Design China Awards were held in Shanghai. GOA became a big winner, with 5 winning entries. Four Seasons Hotel Hangzhou at West Lake and Beijing One Sino Park won gold awards. Qingshan Park (Yun’an Town), Crapemyrtle Mansion, Xuzhou and Lake Park Avenue won excellent awards.

Real Estate Design China Awards

Real Estate Design China Award is founded and organized by DJSER.com. The awards program is highly acclaimed and recognized by the real estate design community for its professional awards committee, and unique evaluation process and model. With Xing Tonghe as the Jury President, the jury for this year consists of scholars Meng Jianmin and Wang Jianguo, as well as representatives of developers, including Chen Jianbang, Chen Hailiang, Chen Dongliang, Chang Yu, Fan Yiting, Feng Tengfei, Gao Feng, Guo Yonghai, Hu Hao, Hu Shuzhi, Huang Yuzang, Jia Zhaohui, Ju Peicheng, Qian Yi, She Xiaoyin, Shou Dong, Su Kun, Yang Fan, Yin Jie, Yu Peng, Zhang Zhaoqiang, and Zhu Xiaojuan. A total of 137 architectural firms signed up for the 3rd Real Estate Design China Awards, and 389 entries were submitted. After the preliminary screening process, 155 entries were shortlisted, and project presentations were given. In the end, 10 winners of the gold awards for real estate projects respectively in the categories of residential buildings, cultural tourism complexes, business and office buildings, and technologies, and 10 professional winners of gold awards in the categories of landscaping and interior design were selected and announced.

Mr. Liu Gang, Executive General Manager of the Shanghai Office of GOA, delivers a speech