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总建筑师/合伙人 Principal


总建筑师/合伙人 Principal


张琪琳先生在商业综合体、度假酒店、城市更新及核心社区项目中均有卓越建树。在超过15年的建筑实践中,他擅用“图解研究”的理论体系与方法论来解决复杂问题,并通过持续的研究与演绎,内化成其核心原创力。他认为,建筑设计应当是有机的,须从其内在逻辑或外部文脉中提取生成核心,进而以一种诗学的方式呈现设计概念。 张琪琳先生同时具备全局思维与细节把控能力,拥有丰富的建筑、室内、景观一体化设计经验,其长期以来对建构工艺保持的敏感度与洞察力,让他不仅能为项目落地提供全过程解决方案,也能在工程实践中严控细节,呈现高品质的优秀作品。


Mr. Zhang Qilin has made outstanding achievements in commercial complexes, resort hotels, urban renewal, and core community projects. With over 15 years of architectural practice, he is well-versed in using the theoretical system and methodology of "graphic research" to solve complex problems and has internalized it into his core originality through continuous research and deduction. He believes that architectural design should be organic and needs to extract the core from its internal logic or external context and then poetically present the design concept. In addition to his unique thinking in design philosophy, Mr. Zhang Qilin also has a global perspective and the ability to control details. He has rich experience in integrating architecture, interior, and landscape design. Over the years, his sensitivity and insight into construction techniques have enabled him to provide full-process solutions for project implementation and strictly control details in engineering practice, presenting high-quality and excellent works.