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Tongrun Office Complex

上海上海 Shanghai, Shanghai

同润商务地处上海浦东新区政府办公区内,用地方正。办公区域被分成五幢独立的办公 楼,并共享一个半私密性的庭院。临街单体采用柔和的曲线形态,以此弱化建筑群与城市主 干道之间的视觉冲突;它们同时也成为隔绝城市外部空间与同区内部空间的屏障,由此营造 出庭院内静谧幽雅的氛围。组群内部单体体量厚重、线条刚劲,形成强有力的背景。在强调 单体个性的同时,设计更注重通过建筑立面元素、材料及色彩的统一以形成组群的整体感。整个建筑群以其刚柔并济、沉稳大气的风格突显了时代气息。

Tongrun Office Complex is located inside Shanghai Pudong new district government office area. Five individual office buildings share a piece of square land, with a semi-private courtyard in the center. The street front building takes a smooth curve shape, which eases the visual conflict between the building groups and the city main road. They also serve as a screen to separate the urban outer space from the space inside the complex, thus creates a tranquil atmosphere inside the courtyard. The other four buildings feature big volume with bold lines, forming a powerful background. While emphasizing individual personality, much attention is paid to creating wholeness through integrating building elevation, materials and color. The whole building group couples hardness with softness, illustrating a sign of the times we live in.

业主 Client

上海德普置业发展有限公司 Shanghai Depu Property Development Co., LTD

所在地址 Location

上海上海 Shanghai, Shanghai

建筑规模 GFA

15,000 m² 15,000 m²

项目类型 Type

办公 Office

设计范围 Design scope

建筑 Architecture

设计周期 Design period

2002 - 2004