一期规划采用严整对称的布局,院落空间与实体建筑交错布置。二期规划中,东西向主轴线和南北向次轴线将园区划分为四个组群,每个组群均由多个单体围合形成内部景观庭院。总体西高东低、外高内低,既解决了较高的容积率要求,又不至于阻挡内部的景观视线,也使得办公环境亲切宜人。三期规划则试图从复杂的周边环境中寻找对话关系,梳理出三条控制轴线,分别为与南端一期项目的最高楼相呼应的南北主轴线,与基地西侧的24 层高的微软技术中心呼应的东西向轴线,以及与江南路呼应的斜向次轴线。三条轴线交汇于用地中心,转承关系明确。
The Ningbo R&D Park is located in the Ningbo High-tech Zone, which is a large research base providing offices, research and development facilities for new high-tech enterprises. With Juxian Road on the west, Jiangnan Road and Yongxin River on the north, this project are planned to be implemented in three phases.
A strictly symmetric layout is applied in Phase 1 planning which alternates courtyards with buildings. In Phase 2, the site is divided into four clusters by two crossed axes - the east-west main axis and the north-south secondary axis. Each cluster has a landscaped courtyard surrounded by buildings. In order to meet the high FSR requirement and avoid view- blocking, in general the buildings on the east side are higher than those on the west side and the buildings on the outside are higher than the ones close to the center. This design actually creates a warm and pleasant working space. In phase 3, we try to find inspiration from the complicated surrounding environment. We sort out three dominating axes which cross each other at the center of the site. The north-south axis echoes the tallest building on the south in Phase 1; the east-west axis echoes the 24-storeyed Microsoft Technology Center on the west side, and the secondary diagonal axis matches the Jiangnan Road.
The axes in three phases have different approaches but they are related and integrated in terms of space. They play a major role in shaping up various but harmonious and unified high-end office clusters.
In the design of individual buildings, we adopt classically styled stone curtain wall in Phase 1 and Phase 2, and full glass curtain wall in Phase 3 with harmonious proportion and delicate lines in details.
Greentown Construction Limited of Ningbo New and High-tech District
Ningbo, Zhejiang
636,000 m²
636,000 m²
Design scope
Design period
2006 - 2014