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Jingui Plaza

浙江杭州 Hangzhou, Zhejiang

金桂大厦地处杭州城西,为酒店式管理的精装修办公楼。项目用地前临交通繁忙的城市干道 交叉路段,后倚桂花城多层住宅区。有鉴于此,规划将主体建筑置于地块北侧,以便在临街 一面让出较大尺度的城市广场,形成从城市公共空间向建筑专属空间的过渡;于地块西侧延 伸出裙房,与主体建筑形成一个围合态势,既划定了与住宅区域的界限,裙房谦和的尺度又 不至隐没桂花城丰富的城市天际线。考虑到南向的城市公共区域过于喧哗,设计将办公楼主 入口置于大厦北侧,以景观绿化限定入口小广场并引导人流,竭力为人们营造静谧祥和的办 公氛围。为提升办公环境品质,大厦采用双层幕墙设计,有效地降低了阳光辐射及交通噪音 对室内的干扰,同时又利用幕墙夹层解决了设备安放等实际问题。大厦整体建筑形式沿用新 古典主义风格,挺拔庄重、细部严谨,足以映衬其作为该区域地标性建筑的地位。

Jingui Plaza is a hotel style office building. Located at West Hangzhou, the project land sees a busy intersection in the front and the Osmanthus City low- rise residential buildings at the back. Because of the location, our plan puts the main building at the north side of the land, and an urban plaza at the street front south side. The urban plaza serves as a transition from urban public space to designated architectural space. At the west side of the land is podium structure, which forms an enclosure with the main building. This helps separate itself from the neighboring community, and at the same time does not intrude the view of it. Since the urban public area at the south side is already too busy and crowded, our plan sets the main building entrance at its north side. By using landscaping at the entrance plaza, visitors are guided into the building. In this way a quiet and peaceful working environment is created. To improve the quality of the working environment, a double-layer curtain wall is used to effectively reduce sunlight radiation and traffic noise. At the same time, using such wall can also solve the problem of where to place equipments. The architectural form of the building adopts new-classical style. Upright and dignified with much attention to details, Jingui Piaza qualifies itself as the landmark of West Hangzhou.

业主 Client

杭州桂花城房地产开发经营有限公司 Hangzhou Osmanthus Town Real Estate Development and Management Co., LTD

所在地址 Location

浙江杭州 Hangzhou, Zhejiang

建筑规模 GFA

35,000 m² 35,000 m²

项目类型 Type

办公 Office

设计范围 Design scope

建筑 Architecture

设计周期 Design period

2004 - 2007