个项目 projects for

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名合伙人 principals for

China Zheshang Bank Headquarters

浙江省杭州市 Hangzhou, Zhejiang

浙商银行总部位于杭州钱江世纪城核心区,建筑将昭示 浙商银行的企业文化与价值观,同时也将成为钱塘江南岸天际线的重要组成部分。

如何确保8000人便捷且通畅地活动成为设计所面临的挑战。该总部由250m高的主体办公模块、24-60m高的办公服务模块以及地下三层的基础保障模块所组成。高效工作“芯”是塔楼的垂直交通动脉,贯穿于13,600㎡ 的塔楼办公区。 健康生活“芯”则以长中庭的形式连接了会议、培训、餐饮、健身、娱乐、医疗服务、住宿等配套功能。两条动脉交汇于建筑入口庭院,实现了办公模块与服务模块的整合。

设计采用传统计量工具 “斗”为母题以契合金融企业的身份特征,层叠的“斗”展现出节节退台、向上生长建筑形象。南北两侧的削切手法带来具有动感的“Z”字形立面效果。斗的母题也被应用至总图规划、裙房形体、主要空间轮廓、景观肌理、屋顶细部等不同维度,使建筑整体得到统一的表达。基于浙商银行的地域基因,建筑师撷取具有浙江传统建筑意味的坡屋顶元素,经由抽象处理,化用于入口雨棚、裙房遮阳板、塔楼遮阳构件等不同部位 。绿色植物被引入不同标高的室外空间,为员工带来“花园间办公”的日常体验。


In the core of Qianjiang Century City, the China Zheshang Bank Headquarters exudes a commanding presence on the southern bank of the Qiantang River as a striking manifestation of the corporate culture and values.

The challenge is establishing a design that facilitates convenient use and mobility for the 8,000 staff members. The headquarters encompasses a 250m-tall office module, service modules ranging from 24 to 60m height, and a three-story underground module for basic supports. The design incorporates two crucial axes intersecting at the entrance courtyard to foster integration between the office and service modules. The vertical "work axis" is the primary vertical circulation of the 136,000㎡ office tower, and the horizontal "relax axis" features a spacious atrium connecting various functions such as conferences, training, dining, fitness, entertainment, medical facilities, and lodging.

The design incorporates a stacking of the traditional measurement tool "Dou(斗)" as a motif, reflecting the identity of the financial enterprise and evoking a sense of terracing and ascending. This idea is integrated into various design aspects, including master planning, podium design, spatial layout, landscaping, and roof details, resulting in a cohesive architectural style. The north and south slicing gestures produce a dynamic Z-shaped facade effect. Considering CZBANK's regional background, the design incorporates the imagery of traditional Zhejiang sloping roofs into various architectural elements, such as the entrance canopy, the podium's horizontal sunshades, and the tower's vertical louvers. The landscape system features greenery at different elevations, providing workers with a "garden office" experience.

The main facade material consists of natural-colored aluminum panels with an anodized finish. Its metallic texture, long-lasting durability, and high recycling value make it aesthetically pleasing and functional. A prefabricated construction approach for the curtain wall system has been employed to promote sustainability. Upon completion of the project, a new "green financial landmark" will be established in the financial district along the Qiantang River.

业主 Client

浙商银行 China Zheshang Bank(CZBANK)

所在地址 Location

浙江省杭州市 Hangzhou, Zhejiang

建筑规模 GFA

310,000㎡ 310,000㎡

项目类型 Type

办公 Office

设计范围 Design scope

建筑 Architecture

设计周期 Design period

2018 -