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GOA x 20 YEARS 释放“双重引力”
GOA x 20 Years – Release of Double Gravity
在媒体交流环节, 与会嘉宾《时代建筑》副主编戴春、ArchDaily中国区主编张涵、世界高层建筑与都市人居学会中国办公室副总监瞿佳绮、《AC建筑创作》新媒体总监沈思等与大象设计合伙人展开了深入讨论。
本次活动不仅是一家企业的二十年发展的回顾,也是亲历者对中国勘察设计行业民营化二十年体会的生动总结,正如活动的主题“双重引力”所寓意的, GOA大象设计希望呈现出其对时代与企业内在创造力的理解和思辨。据悉,自今日起“大象设计二十周年经典作品展”也将于大象设计杭州办公室持续展出一周。
On the afternoon of August 28, 2018, the celebration of the 20th anniversary of GOA’s founding was held at the Hangzhou office. GOA 2012-2018 and Gravity (hereinafter referred to as “books in celebration of GOA’s 20th birthday”), two books published by China Architecture & Building Press, were released in concurrence.
Founded in 1998, GOA is one of the most powerful architectural firms in China. The anniversary celebration reviewed GOA’s most brilliant architectural projects over the past two decades, and shared vivid stories and detailed information about each creation.
On the day of the press conference, many architects, journalists, and publishers gathered together. Guests from Time + Architecture, ArchDaily, the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH), ArchiCreation and China Architecture & Building Press had an amicable and in-depth discussion with GOA’s principals. Colleagues from GOA offices in Shanghai, Beijing and Nanjing also participated in the event through a video conference call.
During the event, Mr. Lu Hao, Senior Principal and President of GOA, gave a brief and perceptive speech, discussing GOA’s development history and future prospects. After that, Ms. Qing Zhou, Assistant President of GOA and producer of the books in celebration of GOA’s 20th birthday, shared ideas and stories behind the books.
Ms. Teng Yunfei, editor of China Architecture & Building Press and editor in charge of the books in celebration of GOA’s 20th birthday, and Mr. Ai Xia, council member of China Architecture Criticism Committee and chief researcher of Banbu Culture, gave a presentation entitled “My Observations of and Insights into GOA” to share their observations and interpretations of GOA and the books in celebration of GOA’s 20th birthday.
During the interaction with the media, Dai Chun, deputy editor-in-chief of Time + Architecture, Zhang Han, editor-in-chief of ArchDaily China, Qu Jiaqi, Deputy Director of the China Office of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH), and Shen Si, New Media Director of ArchiCreation, had a profound discussion with GOA’s principals.
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