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GOA’s Principal Is Invited to the Exhibition Themed “Songs From the Big Chairs”


2017年10月21日,展览“椅子之歌”(Songs From the Big Chairs)在Leo Xu Projects空间举行,GOA大象设计合伙人王彦受邀参加此次展览。作为又一次跨界的尝试,王彦结合其多年建筑创作的经验,设计出一款交错连粘的木质长椅,让观展行为与展览空间形成了一种对话。


On October 21, 2017, the exhibition themed “Songs From the Big Chairs” was held inside Leo Xu Projects. Wang Yan, Principal of GOA, was invited to the exhibition. To make an interesting crossover effort, Wang Yan, based on his years of experience in architectural design, designed a wooden bench, inviting an interaction between visitors and the exhibition space.

Note: Work by Wang Yan