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名合伙人 principals for

郭吟 GUO

技术总监 Director

郭吟 GUO

技术总监 Director


郭吟先生是goa大象设计资深设计师,加入goa大象设计以来,参与了众多项目的设计和管理工作,项目类型涉及住宅、办公、 商业、酒店等领域,积累了丰富的项目运作经验。作为技术总监, 郭吟先生致力于公司的技术研究和技术管控工作。在前期、方案、 施工图各个阶段给专业设计团队提供有力的技术支持。对goa大象设计的价值观及工作方法有着深刻的理解,对于项目品质和设计作品的完成度有着孜孜不倦的追求。


Mr. Guo Yin has been involved in numerous projects since joining the firm, covering a wide range of residential, office, commercial, and hotel developments, accumulating extensive project operation experience. As the Technical Director, Mr. Guo is committed to technical research and management within the company, providing robust technical support to the professional design team across various stages, from early planning to schematic design and construction drawings. He possesses a profound understanding of GOA's design ethos and methodologies, demonstrating an unwavering pursuit of project quality and the completeness of design deliverables.